Scammers Find New Way! Fraud in the Name of Electricity Checking

Nikhil Jain
By Nikhil Jain Crime Technology Add a Comment

Fraud cases in the country are rising fast, and scammers are coming up with new ways to cheat people. Recently, a new method of fraud has emerged. In this scam, criminals pretend to be from the electricity department and trick people in the name of electricity checking. They come to your house, claim to be doing an electricity check, and then scare you into giving them money. Cases of digital fraud and online scams are also increasing quickly.

How the Fraud Happens

Here’s how the scam works: The scammers come to your house, claiming to check your electricity meter. They tell you that your meter is showing low readings, and accuse you of tampering with the meter. Then, they scare you by saying that they will call the police and file a legal case against you under section 420 (for cheating), which frightens many people. After this, they demand money to “settle” the issue.

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They ask for amounts like ₹50,000 or ₹1 lakh, telling you that paying this will close the matter. Many people, out of fear, end up paying them, becoming victims of the scam.

How to Protect Yourself

To avoid falling victim to this scam, you need to be very cautious:

  • If you have any doubts about the person claiming to be from the electricity department, call the police immediately by dialing 112.
  • Never give money to someone from the electricity department.
  • Ask the person to show their ID card.
  • If you’re still suspicious, call your nearest electricity department to verify their identity.
  • If you become a victim of the scam, report it to the police immediately.
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